This track issues challenges to us around our welcome of the stranger. The Space has its own challenges. The building’s construction has resulted in a slant, and taking a direct hit during the siege of Gloucester probably didn't help either! I took lots of photos as the singers and musicians set up. One stuck with me as I listened again to the track. It was of a row of empty chairs against the wall in the semi gloom of the church as light spilled in from the window behind them.
I liked the darkness of the space. The waiting chairs. And the light spilling through. I started this artwork by covering the page in graphite and then erasing sections to bring the light in. I see connections with this and what George has done with the Spaces project, bringing a new way of seeing and being in these spaces and adding it alongside the ancient history of the places. The track too is like a dialogue (sometimes heated) between ancient and contemporary ways of being and seeing things.

I did many alternatives to this one, but they all consisted of very subtle changes in the levels of light and dark!