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Seventeen Suns
I came across Peter Beeson's sunrise series. Endlessly interesting and beautiful, just as each sunrise is. They were commissioned by...

Reflecting on the exhibition
Last month I was finally able to exhibit the original artwork from my book, 'The God Who Gave You Birth' at Discover DeCrypt in...

Origami Bird
By one of those serendipitous moments, I had just been reacquainting myself with how to fold an origami bird when George and Shane of The...

Lockdown Art
All around us art and creativity have been springing up as we seek to navigate these times. Locally, I've been taken with the Outposted...

Virtual Launch
It was supposed to be the day of my book launch event and exhibition at Discover De Crypt today, but like many things, it's been...

Shane explained that the track ‘Supine’ (from the Powdered Earth's Lockdown Project) refers to our absolute vulnerability. And I think...

For this track in The Powdered Earth's lockdown project I took my reference from a finger print (obvious similarities with tree rings)....

Round the Blue
The stories we tell are so important - my art is sparked by stories. Working with George and Shane of Powdered Earth is often about...

Lockdown Art
We're six weeks into Lockdown here in the UK and I’ve been pondering my own artistic response to the times we find ourselves in. Other...

the art of working with others
A friend had an idea for a book. It was about the sea and the Divine and it came to him fully formed, all he had to do was write it down....
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