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Pop Up Shop

I arrived on the mezzanine floor, dumped my boxes and looked around. I hadn't met any of the other artists before and my only experience of selling like this had been at a summer fete. Looking around I realised I hadn't even brought a screwdriver or indeed, any screws... I like to think that things will usually, for the most part, turn out ok and this was fortunately affirmed when Rob, the artist setting up next to me, lent me his screwdriver and then taking pity on my further, gave me ALL his remaining screws. I set to, and as I stood back to take in my handiwork I realised that this was the first time I had ever hung any of my artwork so this was to be my first exhibition also! My allotted wall space was filled with my art blocks and prints and my table now displayed my cards, bookmarks and more art blocks.

I had heard about the initial ideas for a Pop Up Art Shop through the Culture Trust. That White Room Gallery had come together with Debenhams Gloucester to provide a space for artists to sell their work over the busy Christmas period. I ummed and ahhed for a bit, considering the costs and the benefits but pretty quickly I knew I'd kick myself if I didn't go for it. So I crossed my fingers and put my name down. And here we all were setting up and making it happen. I made my way round saying hi to people and checking out their artwork. I love the behind the scene moments, relaxing before you go 'live'.

And so began 10 weeks of trading from Debenhams Mezzanine floor. We took it in turns to staff the shop and got to grips with the payment app (at the mercy of frustratingly flaky wifi!). Our What's App group chat was quickly populated with curses (at technology), shift swaps and updates on sales made.

The footfall wasn't always what we'd hoped and sales could be slow but we were learning as we went and were building up a following on social media. Conversations with interested passers by could really lift a day and then there was the buzz of making a sale!

In the new year our time at the Pop Up shop drew to a close. I counted my takings and had to go cold turkey from my habit of repeatedly checking the sales app remotely for any new sales! Suddenly we were all taking down and packing up our remaining artwork and within a few hours the room was empty. Some of us were moving straight onto the next things, exhibitions etc, while others of us were pausing to take stock and make plans.

Would I do it again? Yes, provided that we were in a more prominent, easily accessible location and provided we had a more thought out media and marketing strategy. I think one of the best outcomes from the experiment has been meeting and getting to know the other artists. This 'arting' business can be lonely and it's great to be able to swap stories with others and offer support to each other. So here' a shout out to my fellow artists from Gloucester's Pop Up Shop of 2018 -

Ann Hunt - Retired vet turned wildlife artist, currently exhibiting at the Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

Annie Rowcraft - Artist painting vibrant contemporary watercolour animals amongst other things (and the one who helped to set up the pop up shop!).

Gerald Crittle - Mixed media abstract artist, currently exhibiting at the Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

James Garrod - Works for Gloucester Culture Trust (and the one who processed our payments!)

Judith Knight - Mosaic artist specialising in jewellery and home decor.

Kim Garrod - Christmas crafts.

Lisa Turner - Large abstract artwork.

Lorna Phipps - Textile and print art student.

Lu Larnie - Contemporary artist mainly working in acrylic.

Rob Tweedie - Landscape artist.

Russell Haines - Portrait artist, currently working on Faith, Hope and Charity exhibition.

Sandra Ellwood - Kids personalised cushions

Sarah Mcintyre - Abstract acrylic pouring artist.

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